Monday, August 03, 2009

Brownshirt Teabaggers

Psycho spokeslunatic for the racist anti-Obama birther movement, Laguna Niguel-based Dentist/Lawyer Orly Taitz, called the media "Obama's brownshirts" during her public breakdown on MSN today:

As a refresher, the brownshirts were a strongarm force of Hitler's Nazi Party -- his "assault division" -- known for violent intimidation of Jews and other political enemies during his rise.

Who's acting in quasi-violent fashion right now? Those racists "anti-tax teabaggers" promoted by Fox News and hate-mongering Michelle Malkins of the world. They are working in co-ordinated fashion to disrupt any serious town hall discussions between Congresspeople and regular citizens regarding health insurance reform over the August recess. As they did in Texas today:

The shouting down of open political discussion is by its very nature a form of fascism, and when I say organized I mean by FreedomWorks, the health industry-associated conservative front organization that pretends to be "grassroots" but organized both the no-nothing "Tea Party" rallies earlier this year as well as this more aggressive form of brownshirting.

While the corporate anti-public option, anti-single payer campaign is not inherently racist, the teabaggers and birthers are, and with the health care brownshirting now tying them all together, it's not even me who's painting them all with the same racist brush. Check out the coat of whiteface in this new poster cropping up anonymously in Los Angeles:

If you thought the irrational fear and hatred to Bill Clinton was bad, add race to the mix and someone's going to get hurt.

I only hope it's not our man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure "orlytaitz" is on its way to becoming a commonly understood verb/adjective/phrase, like "swift-boating," "teabagging," or "going postal."

(Who knows, with enough TV exposure Taitz may even overtake Palin as Queen of the Hillbillies.)