Saturday, December 01, 2007

Good Fun

Frank Rich asks "Who's Afraid of Barack Obama?":

The Washington wisdom about Mr. Obama has often been just as wrong as that about Mrs. Clinton. We kept being told he was making rookie mistakes and offering voters wispy idealistic sentiments rather than the real beef of policy. But what the Beltway mistook for gaffes often was the policy.

Mr. Obama’s much-derided readiness to talk promptly and directly to the leaders of Iran and Syria, for instance, was a clear alternative, agree with it or not, to Mrs. Clinton’s same-old Foggy Bottom platitudes on the subject. His supposedly reckless pledge to chase down Osama bin Laden and his gang in Pakistan, without Pakistani permission if necessary, was a pointed rebuke of both Mrs. Clinton’s and President Bush’s misplaced fealty to our terrorist-enabling “ally,” Pervez Musharraf. Like Mr. Obama’s prescient Iraq speech of 2002, his open acknowledgment of the Pakistan president’s slipperiness turned out to be ahead of the curve.

Then there's Jackie and Dunlap's pretty funny redneck take on this week's GOP debate. Favorite line:
"And Romney got a question on black on black crime, his area of expertise..."

Oh, and the Cheney/Bush Administration wants to slash anti-terror grant programs to major cities, like NYC, in half.

Ha, ha, terrorist threat.

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