Monday, October 01, 2007


They're like orcs from Mordor under the orders and protection of Sauron Cheney.

They're the reason things went bad originally in Falluja. They're paid 4+ times our soldiers for similar jobs, but they take no responsibility for the damage that they do. Out of control -- never under our military's control.

They're private. That's why.

Our corporate mercenaries, your tax dollars at work, outsourced.

And they kill innocent Iraqis.

Condoleezza Rice at State is desperately keeping them out of oversight, even as news of their latest atrocities reach the airwaves. Comically, they are reportedly policing themselves, radical kabuki.

Over at Talking Points Memo they're doing the same quality job running down the Blackwater story as they did turning the Alberto Gonzales scandal, the one Your Liberal Media was letting pass, into his resignation.

They're run by rightwing Christian conservatives, the ones who form the most repressive organizations. The family that financed/founded The Family Research Council. The Prince Automobile family: Republican oligarchists. So if we bring 'em home, do they turn their guns inward on America?

How odd that their very name seems so overdetermined. Blackwater. You see, first Richard Nixon opened the Watergate. Then Bill Clinton had Whitewater.

Under George Bush, of course, the water runs Black.

With blood.

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