Thursday, March 20, 2008

3,982 in 5

Five years, 3,982 American military individuals killed.

A developed society burnt to the ground.

American treasure wasted.

One dead dictator and his two dead sons.

Mr. 100 Years of War doesn't even know who's arming whom, unfit to serve, dangerous per Josh:

This one's now reeking of squalid desperation.

This man stands in fascist opposition to America and everything it stands for.

This bitter, twisted little root should also be in an insane asylum.

Meanwhile, the one politician who talks to us like we're adults:

A responsible plan to end it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Quote from John McInsane: "The Iraqi people are going about their normal lives." I don't know - my idea of a normal life doesn't include dodging debris from suicide bombers on a daily basis...