Monday, March 23, 2009


So is Obama a hero now, and Geithner o.k?
I guess the same cable news geniuses that were starting to blame Obama for the situation he inherited are going to start praising him now?

Tell me when it happens...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't get too excited just yet, my bro: there's plenty more bad news on the way. Forget about the stock mkt; the key indicator on the economy is going to be when job losses drop significantly for a few consecutive weeks.

(btw: Timmy's plan *is* a monumental free ride for hedge funds, but under the circumstances I think it's a decent play of a bad hand. I think Krugman, et al, are horrified from an economic standpoint, but are missing some of the real world interlocking biz problems that TG is facing.)