Friday, May 25, 2007


This must be seen to be believed.

The #1 Republican in the House of Representatives, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) cries like a little child over the Iraq War funding bill on Thursday, and not for the reason all the progressives Dems are crying, or the reason why so many Iraqi's have been crying since Bush invaded Iraq and their world has been destroyed, family members slaughtered, an entire secular way of life ruined.

Meanwhile, has Bush himself finally realized he's lost his grand war? After wiping his ass with the Baker-Hamilton Report, he's been talking about it for two days, while word leaks out of a 50% troop reduction next year.

He's done the rope-a-dope before, so as usual I treat anything that comes out of his mouth as a lie. When he says there are "a lot of things I like" in the Report, he's probably just thinking of a few things that he can twist and turn around and pretend like he's actually reasonable, not an egomaniacal menace.

Or maybe it's trying/lying to keep the GOP at bay, now that they're starting to openly challenge him. The visit by the Congressmen, Ron Paul getting attention, the likelihood of losing the next Presidential election. Cheney's henchman staring down three years in prison. Final confirmation that our intelligence agencies did indeed report that this is how it would turn out in Iraq -- it's all his fault.

His very own Chief of Staff for the selling of the war and debacle following openly booed by hundreds of students and professors when he's just trying to get his honorary degree at UMass.

Hundreds. In public. At commencement.

Hey, Andrew Card, here's an interoffice memo for you: Lying is wrong.

Boohoo, John Boehner and your $100,000,000,000. Boohoo Scooter Libby and your scooting off (one can only hope) to the pokey. Boohoo Andrew Card up on that stage, naked and ridiculed in cap & gown.

Boohoo Georgy-Porgy and your great big failure as a warrior, as a President, as a human being.


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