Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Evil Guy

On Wednesday, President Bush declared that he is not just "the decider" as if that is a Constitutionally specified term. He's also (I kid you not), "the commander guy." In his own assholic words:

By the way, in the report it said, it is -- the government may have to put in more troops to be able to get to that position. And that's what we do. We put in more troops to get to a position where we can be in some other place. The question is, who ought to make that decision? The Congress or the commanders? And as you know, my position is clear -- I'm the commander guy.

Guess what, commander guy. I'm voting guy. You know, citizen taxpayer guy. Me and most of my fellow Americans want an end to your War.

In the time since you've made the second veto of your macabre Presidential career, three (3) more American soldiers have been killed for your commander ego, for your failed war. And more of your IED fodder has arrived in Iraq.

You're not just commander guy, you're executioner guy.

If the Democratic Congress wants any more evidence that you are not to be compromised with, that you scoff at compromise and take any attempt at it as a crowbar to be used against them, take a look at how El Presidente and his mob are treating the very surveillance agreement that the 2006 Republican Congress negotiated with him. They are saying they are just going to circumvent it, that the President has kingly powers.

That makes you, "Fascist Guy."

Or maybe, "Impeached Guy."

I know it's going to be tough, Dems. But if you're perceived with headlines like this, you will lose your base.

Here's why I'm very favorably disposed towards Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards. This is exactly how you deal with a vicious little man like George W. Bush. If Obama and Hillary showed some similar steel, I'd be a lot more excited about them.

But they don't.


Anonymous said...

I like the message of Edwards' ad, but it's not very convincing when it looks like everybody is reading from a teleprompter. Watch their shifty eyes.

Mark Netter said...

Interesting, though that he devotes his first on-air campaign message to something he really has no control over, since he's not in Congress right now. Something cool about that -- his appearance at the end is the twist.