Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bill Genius

There's much to write about at this critical moment in the development of a moral healthcare system in the U.S. There's the Senate possibly dropping the public option for their Republican and (in the house) Democratic health insurance donors, with Sen. Max Baucus's bad, bad math. There's freshman Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) kicking ass with his statement as he voted to approve Judge Sonya Sotomayor from Judiciary Committee to Senate floor vote.

And there's my resistance to giving any more Internet ink to the quitter from Wasilla. But William Shatner is just too good to resist:

His certifiably terrible spoken-singing albums from the early 70's have paid off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shatner's funny, but Palin's actual speech shouldn't be glossed over or laughed at just because much of it isn't coherent.

In case you never saw her full shtick live, this is what you missed: We need to honor the troops because they're fighting for the 1st Amendment; we need to honor the troops because they're fighting to keep al Qaeda from invading us; we need to honor the troops because they're fighting for our way of life, we need to honor the troops because they're more American than those commies who live in US cities, etc etc etc.

She's a relentless nationalistic jingo who unceasingly appeals to the lowest lizard brain needs of the most ignorant and violent elements of the electorate. She's an inflamer, a hater, an empty sloganeer, and like GWB she has no shame about using real heros as props in service of the greater glory of Sarah Palin.

She's garbage.