Friday, May 09, 2008

The Fun Begins

McCain says that Hamas endorses Obama and somehow that's how he's going to beat him. Obama says McCain is losing his bearings (nice, aeronautical). McCain's guy protests that Obama is being ageist. Obama said he never said that, and anyone can lose their bearings (I mean, look at Bush and he's not yet a total geezer).

So Obama gets to slip the knife in early like he should, rise above, take a victory lap in the House of Representatives where he's treated like a rock star. Later in the day he speaks stalwartly at a celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Israeli Independence.

Hillary is out of money so she's turning up the racial tap, claiming only she can win whites, looking at some visionless Mark Penn micro-poll, no doubt. Stay classy, Rodham. She is probably just running now as an enterprise, try and earn back the $12,000,000 or so she's loaned her campaign, before the election happens and some laws kick in. She's raised $1,000,000 since Tuesday, which used to seem like a lot. Al Sharpton tells his New York Senator via NY1 interview, “The worst thing in the world is when an entertainer doesn’t know when the show is over.”

Obama matches Hillary in actual elective office-holding superdelegate endorsements. He's hitting up Edwards delegates. It turns out the margin of victory for Clinton in Indiana ended up at around a mere 1%. Obama lays down his plan to declare victory on May 20th, right after Oregon goes for him.

Obama is, I believe, pulling the trigger ju-jitsu style and making a move he's planned for a long time: running the table. He needs to go for the jugular now, albeit in the same non-personal way he's conducted his campaign. Superdelegates will no longer be afraid of her, starting now.

And what could possibly add to this burgeoning period of fun?

Nothing other than yet another Republican sex scandal, this time straight but with adultery and, best of all, the hidden out-of-wedlock child.

Adding to the juice: the twist's a former Air Force lieutenant colonel.


1 comment:

Reeko Deeko said...

This is why we read Nettertainment: snappy, concise, intelligent writing, juicy links, plenty o' attitude.
Good one!