Friday, June 13, 2008

Obama's Snopes

The Barack Obama campaign just went live with a site designed to directly counteract all the Internet and email smears being circulated about he candidate, Fight the Smears. It's the go-to site to send any friends or relatives who believe the vicious lies that Obama's a Muslim, that Obama won't say the Pledge of Allegiance with his hand over his heart, or that his wife used the epithet, "whitey

This is the anti-Kerry, who let himself be swiftboated for several weeks before attempting to counteract the smears. It's another classic case of Obama's campaign knowing how the Internet has developed and works -- it's Obama's Media Matters (which calls bullshit on the media), it's Obama's Snopes, the ultimate urban legend debunker.

It's the right move, another route to controlling Obama's re-branding by the most cowardly and libelous of detractors.

Then there are some things that may have to be handled with pure public condemnation.

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