Monday, June 09, 2008

That's Right

Obama comes out of the starting gate the Monday after Clinton's concession speech full steam ahead:
Senator Barack Obama, with the Democratic stage to himself for the first time, began a two-week assault on Senator John McCain’s economic policies in a series of battleground states on Monday, moving to focus on the ailing economy as the central theme of the general election campaign.

Taking it to the man:
"If John McCain's policies were implemented, they would add $5.7 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. That isn't fiscal conservatism, that's what George Bush has done over the last eight years," Obama said.

With a plan in hand, taking it deep:
Mr. Obama’s aides said some states where they intend to campaign — like Georgia, Missouri, Montana and North Carolina — might ultimately be too red to turn blue. But the result of making an effort there could force Mr. McCain to spend money or send him to campaign in what should be safe ground, rather than using those resources in states like Ohio.

With a plan in hand, taking it all the way into the churches:

The Brody File has learned that in the next two weeks Barack Obama's campaign will unveil a major new program to attract younger Evangelicals and Catholics to their campaign.

It's called the "Joshua Generation Project." The name is based on the biblical story of how Joshua's generation led the Israelites into the Promised Land.

Teaming up with the best:
Obama pledged to make it easier for every American to get good health care, do away with exemptions for pre-existing conditions, stop drug companies from price gouging, and then said something that was greeted with great enthusiasm by the crowd:

“By the way, I’m going to be partnering up with Elizabeth Edwards, we’re going to be figuring all this out.”

Already blowing away the McCain campaign in the very first week, and it isn't even Tuesday yet.

Yep, this is how it's done. On offensive early, issues-only, values-driven. There's always the chance the press will want to tell some sort of comeback story, but we already know how that turns out, we've already been through that experience with Clinton. Don't waste our time now.

Gotta not be too cocky too early, but are we, indeed, watching the making of a landslide?

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