Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Second Night

I've just seen Hillary's speech after hearing some of it on the radio earlier tonight, and think that anyone who says she somehow didn't show enough support for Barack is simply a provocateur sowing discontent for partisan or mercenary purposes.

She gave her supporters a chunk of their catharsis (the nomination process Wednesday night will complete it) but more importantly, she gave them a challenge. For someone who's been accused of egoism, she flipped that around on its head by asking her supporters if they were only in the campaign for her, or if they're really committed to the issues and policies both she and Barack support.

Also found myself particularly when she used Harriet Tubman as a bridge between African-American and women's struggles for full rights in U.S. history, without underlining the connection, played beautifully.

There's no doubt Clinton has improved as a speaker since the start of the campaign. Tonight she earned her place in or alongside the Obama Administration come January. If he wins, he owes her, big-time.

Here's two bonus Zannel clips of the night. First, a couple explains their support to yanquimike:

And odum of Vermont explains "Democratic National Condoms:

Party on, party.

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