Monday, June 13, 2011

Go, Russ, Go

Former Senator Russ Feingold (R-WI) may have lost his re-election bid last year, but he'd win next year, and he was fired up today at "Walkerville," the poverty encampment set up by the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison to protest Republican Gov. Scott Walker's draconian cuts, public union disenfranchisement and privatization legislation:

Meanwhile, the GOP Presidential contenders hold their second debate -- the first one attended by frontrunner Mitt Romney -- in New Hampshire tonight. Sure to be filled with more of what Feingold rails against -- the removal of protections for Middle and Working Class Americans to better serve their corporate feudal overlords.

Like I've said before, I'll take a second look at any Republican candidate who wakes up and says we should return top end tax rates to where they were under Clinton.

If you agree that the rich should pay their fair share again, click here.

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