Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Losing Cause

A solid majority of everybody hates the Paul Ryan Republican Medicare-killing plan, according to a new CNN poll:
The poll indicates that 58 percent of the public opposes the Republican plan on Medicare, with 35 percent saying they support the proposal.
Ryan's sorry voucher plan was designed to pander, by making it affect only those age 55 or under. However, if the GOP thought that meant they'd keep the seniors in their camp, they may have actually helped push them into the Democratic column for 2012:
"Half of those we questioned say that the country would be worse off under the GOP Medicare proposals and 56 percent think that GOP plan would be bad for the elderly," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Opposition is highest among senior citizens, at 74 percent, suggesting that seniors are most worried about changes to Medicare even if those changes are presented as ones that would not affect existing Medicare recipients."
That means even the people you'd most expect to be for Ryan's Ayn Rand dream date -- those on the Right -- are against it as well:
"A majority of all demographic groups don't favor the GOP Medicare proposals," Holland adds. "That includes conservatives - 54 percent of them don't like the plan. As a result, rank-and-file Republicans are split right down the middle, with 48 percent favoring the GOP plan and 50 percent opposed."
Ryan's been lying about the healthcare reform passed last year, saying it "kills Medicare as we know it," which I thought would even be beneath him. I guess not -- he's that desperate for his plan to somehow be accepted as "bold" and "smart" when it is merely another gussied up attempt by GOoPers to dismantle New Deal and Great Society advances in order to better allow the wealthy to keep all the money in America for themselves.

But thank you, Lyin' Ryan, for -- even better! -- helping to bolster public support for the Affordable Care Act, i.e. health insurance reform, or what the GOP disparages as "Obamacare" -- a phrase they may come to regret as it becomes more popular in implementation:

But the most surprising numbers -- and possibly the best one for Obama -- are the results showing that political messaging against the Ryan budget may actually increase the numbers who support the Obama's health care law. The legislation is enemy number one for Republicans heading into 2012, who hope to use continuing wariness about the bill to attack the president and Democrats this fall.

Meanwhile, the Republican Presidential candidates continue to act like lemmings, including the supposed smart, moderate one:

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who took his first steps into the Republican presidential field as a moderate, has over the past month turned himself into something far from the center when it comes to Medicare. From throwing Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) more love than anyone to grabbing onto Ryan's Medicare-destroying budget with both hands, Huntsman's separating himself from the pack: No one running for president, it seems, is more excited about the Republican budget plan than him.

In an op-ed published Wednesday in the Wall Street Journal, Huntsman calls Ryan's plan an "honest attempt to save Medicare" and he calls on critics to put up their own plan or shut up about the GOP's. But that's among the more subtle love he's thrown Ryan and his budget in the recent past -- on Tuesday, Huntsman called Ryan one of the two Republicans alive he admires most.

My own conviction is that anyone who follows the "teachings" of crank Ayn Rand, like avowed devotee Paul Ryan, should not be allowed near a position of governmental responsibility.

After all, the most disastrous Fed Chairman of all time, Alan Greenspan, was one of her personal acolytes.

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