Sunday, June 11, 2006


Potentially the most important political gathering of this past weekend was YearlyKos in Las Vegas. A fulcrum-ation of the ever more essential DailyKos progressive Democratic site, this is the first convention of forward-thinking, out-of-the-Beltway bloggers in American history.

From the actual political world speakers included Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Democratic Party Leader Howard Dean, Senator Barbara Boxer, and Ambassador Joseph Wilson (husband of Bush-outed CIA agent Valerie Plame).

The list of Presidential hopefuls included Ex-Governor of Virginia Mark Warner, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, Retired General Wesley Clark, and Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack.

There's lots of mainstream media coverage, and Pacific Views has this great list.

It's a little daunting that so many members of the mainstream press (you know, the ones who are generally letting the BushCheneyCo Administration get away with high crimes) either feel so threatened by the blogosphere or are so out-of-touch that they have to minimalize it or accuse it of co-optation, but in the end it won't matter.

History is being made by a combination of regular citizens and a number of visionary leaders, like Markos Moulitsas.

If you want to see why the only thing radical about this movement is that real people are involved, I highly recommend watching this eight minute interview with Kos himself on Meet the Press.

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