Sunday, June 11, 2006


Maddox is beloved by a younger (male) audience, teens and maybe 20-somethings, and here's my two favorite examples why from his Best Page in the Universe:

I am better than your kids.

More crappy children's art work

I can't vouch for the quality of his new book, The Alphabet of Manliness, but it is # 18 today on !


Anonymous said...

Oh Dear Maude, that crappy kids' artwork thing made me laugh! Maddox's other stuff is kind of hit or miss (though the Cameron Diaz thing is brilliant, too) but rating the children's art just completely got me. Will you please buy his book and then loan it to me? Thanks!

Mark Netter said...

Hmm...maybe I can get a loaner from my nephews, who are big fans!