Saturday, September 15, 2007

Boehned It

Looks like Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is doing his best to ruin his political career:
"The investment that we're making today will be a small price if we're able to stop al Qaeda here, if we're able to stabilize the Middle East, it's not only going to be a small price for the near future, but think about the future for our kids and their kids."
Y'see nobody really needs to sacrifice anything for this greatest conflict of all time war.

Tell that to the 3,780 families and counting.


Anonymous said...

Clearly he's not speaking about the futures of those 3,000+ kids who have been killed in this noble cause. Sadly, there's not much future for them.

Mark Netter said...

In the immortal words of the Sex Pistols..."No future, no future, no future for you..."