Friday, September 21, 2007


It's the Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, where we fast all day (sundown to sundown) and ask God for a previous year's worth of forgiveness. Sounds good to me.

There's an opportunity tonight to blog on all sorts of painfully entertaining problems of our oh so strident day, whether it's Mister Bush claiming to be an asset to his Party's candidates, or Mitt Romney's shockingly insensitive remarks about his sons serving best by working on his campaign, or General Petraeus lying with statistics, or even someone finally explaining the town of Jena's racial politics in a way I can understand.

But there's a happy story for today as well, about the Bilbao Guggenheim now a surprising ten years old (that just crept up, didn't it?) and how it hasn't finished the transformation job on the historically gritty, industrial town of Bilboa, but it's gone some distance. I recommend checking out the slide show in the New York Times article for a very decent sense of in and around the museum.

Congrats to architect Mr. Frank Gehry, who maintains one of his unique homes several blocks from ours here in Santa Monica. Grace is generally considered a Christian term as it applies to God's relief from woe in our lives, and once again, it sounds good to me.

We need more grace in our lives...and it looks like Mr. Gehry's supplied more than his share.

1 comment:

fiendish said...

in the spirit of Yom Kippur, I'd like to apologze for leaving inane comments all year.