Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Money

From The New York Times, we're not just not stopping the Iraq War, we're moving in the wrong direction:
The Bush administration plans to increase its 2008 financing request for military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere by almost $50 billion, with about a quarter of the additional money going toward armored trucks built to withstand roadside bombs, Pentagon officials said Saturday.

The increase would bring the amount the administration is seeking to finance the war effort through 2008 to almost $200 billion.
Think about that number the next time some rightwing pundit or GOP candidate says that we can't pay for national health care.

If they can find the money for killing, they should be able to find it for keeping us alive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that Hillary went on Fox and laughed in their faces today. I think she's starting to get it -- that these jerks need to be ridiculed at every turn. (I think she figured this out from listening to Edwards lately). Let's hope some of the other Dems figure it out, too, and stop treating these hacks like they're actual journalists.
