Monday, September 03, 2007


“The Republicans need to get their spunk back,” said Leanne Stein, 41, who lives in Claridon, Ohio, and works at a retirement home.
This from a New York Times article today on how the Republican rank and file is wholly unimpressed with their candidates for President. As readers of Nettertainment know, I agree. The New Hampshire GOP voters on:

“Giuliani, he’s pro-abortion,” he said. “It’s hard for me to believe that he’s a Republican front-runner. Giuliani’s children aren’t even supporting him. He’s had three wives. I don’t like that.”
Dave McMullen, 63, a dairy farmer in Warsaw, Ohio, said many of the candidates were not addressing the economy. He has taken a particular dislike to Mr. Romney.

“He’s not thinking about agriculture or the economy,” Mr. McMullen said. “We got so many foreclosures in my county. People are losing their jobs. All the big factories are moving down to Mexico, where they can get cheap labor. I don’t see Mitt Romney or any of them talking about that.”
“I liked McCain, but he’s losing ground too fast to win. I don’t know if it’s his age or the war."
“Who’s that? Oh, that guy on TV? I haven’t heard much about him. I’ve been working too much to watch TV news.”

Meanwhile, the Times gives a much different report on the Dem side:
Forget the “lesser-of-the-evils” talk typically heard from Democratic primary voters around this time of a presidential campaign. Interviews with dozens of Democrats here and across the country this Labor Day weekend found them enthusiastic about their presidential choices and, if slightly nervous about potential weaknesses in their candidates, confident of victory in 2008.
The November 2008 Presidential election is over fourteen months away, and anything can happen three times between now and then, like Dick Cheney attacking Iraq in our name or violence here at home.

But which is the more enviable position at this stage of the game?

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