Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Now is the time for any progressive-minded citizen to strap on their helmet and fortify.

There is no way in hell that one old asshole looking for a bigger pulpit is going to keep Barack Obama from getting the Democratic nomination. Unless you see a crazy poll dive that sustains through the weekend (okay -- a big if!), Obama's forceful repudiation of Rev. Wright today, perhaps the first huge salvo he's fired so far, was timed to provide successful counterpoint to the endless cable over-hashing of the Wright footage.

It will age like anything else in the media, and while he has promised to maintain a truthful campaign, he has to go in for the policy issue kill with America's Chief White Woman. She's left him a huge opening -- the supposedly populist, pandering, horrific, Republican "gas tax holiday" with which she's trying to win the next round of low-information voters.

Meanwhile, it turns out one of her supporters invited Rev. Wright to speak.

Meanwhile, Sen. John McCain is trying to hide his wealth from all of us. I don't mean he's not giving any of it away to us, although sure, but he doesn't want you to know that he is wealthy, so it's all in his wife's name, which is where the "beer company" money came from. Meanwhile he's actively sought the endorsement of white racist Pastor John Hagee, a comparison made today by The New York Times with Rev. Wright.

Meanwhile, Dick Cheney's lawyer is claiming Congress has no right investigate him.

Okay, it's settled, I won't vote for Rev. Wright, I'll vote for the former church member outraged by him. The fact is that by nature of who he is -- ethnically, generationally, intellectually -- Obama is being forced to forcefully confront issues that have been festering in America for a long time ago, forced to show the courage he's risen to, forced to stake us forward to new benchmarks every single time.

Democrats only lose when they try to nominate the person they fear will be most "electable". There is only one way for the Democrats to lose this year, and it's by not nominating the one man who inspires across the board, and globally. The only synthesizer, the only one who truly understands in his bones how things work today and into the next eight years, the Google candidate.

Get hard, people, and get hard Obama, get even sharper. Beanbag is over, as tough as it may have been. Hit her hard on policy. And the trick for you is to get hard but still be the good guy at heart, even if you have to unleash your mortars now to win.

Support your candidate of choice.

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