Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Man

I was expecting to write about the American war criminal, John Yoo, a lawyer and Berkeley professor who wrote the evil "legal" memo for Cheney, Addington, Feith and Bush that authorized torture under the shady justification that the President can basically do anything he wants if he says it's defending America (via Balkanization):
The Yoo memo effectively gave the Pentagon the green light to disregard statutory limits on torture, cruelty and maltreatment in the treatment of detainees. This is the version of the 2002 Torture memo, which was addressed only to the CIA and the torture statute, as applied to the numerous statutes restricting the conduct of the armed forces. None of those statues, you see, limits the conduct of war if the President says so. It is, in effect, the blueprint that led to Abu Ghraib and the other abuses within the armed forces in 2003 and early 2004. Here, finally, is Part One of that memo, and here is Part Two. (Thanks to the Washington Post for forwarding the memo.) (Needless to say, the classification of these memos all these years was ridiculously unjustified. There's no reason at all that this roll out could not have occurred in 2004.)
But then I took a trip on YouTube to watch Sen. Barack Obama's campaign appearance on the first night of Hardball's college tour, in which he pwns Chris Matthews and reminds me why he's so easily the best choice in America today to be nominated and then elected President on November4th.

I decided to make note of Yoo, but to focus on hope, a future of another Constitutional law professor, but one who's idea of executive power isn't the same as King George III and his notorious redcoats.

If you find yourself at all wavering, get ready for a treat (4 actually, for some reason Pts 1, 2, 5, 6):

So clearly the best this country has to offer at this particular moment.

So clearly the brightest.

So clearly The Man:


Reeko Deeko said...

Is it just me, or does Chris Matthews remind anyone else of Fred Willard in "Best in Show" in this interview? Same voice/accent/goofy non-sequitors?

But yeah, "Barama" is THE MAN.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's funny! Matthews absolutely *is* Fred Willard.

FYI: McCain is now telling people he's descended from Robert the Bruce. I'm guessing he never saw Braveheart.