Monday, June 22, 2009

Screw Loose

If Governor Mark Sanford (R-SC) is really going to be a Presidential contender in the next election, he'd better show up soon:
South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford has been hiking the Appalachian Trail, a spokesman said Monday, explaining a dayslong absence that perplexed fellow state leaders.

Sanford hadn't been at work for several days and his office hadn't been in touch with him. Lawmakers and his wife said Monday they didn't know where he was, leading critics to question who was in charge of South Carolina.

"I cannot take lightly that his staff has not had communication with him for more than four days, and that no one, including his own family, knows his whereabouts," said Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer.

I don't know about any other married gentlemen who may be reading this, those on reasonably good terms with their spouses, but while I may travel extensively for business, my wife always has a decent idea where I am, and can reach me by cellphone.

More importantly, would we want a President who just checks out whenever he gets the urge?

Oh, wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One word: "Bender."

(cf: )