Sunday, September 20, 2009

Shut Up Step Off

Although she gets right maybe once or twice a decade, can ex-Reagan speechwriter and somehow pundit Peggy Noonan is once again acting her class:

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan described President Obama's decision to go on five Sunday shows in one day as "boorish" -- in a Sunday show appearance of her own.

"He's doing it because he can," the former speechwriter told ABC News host George Stephanopoulos. "The media environment allows a modern leader to be something subtly damaging, and that is boorish. They get their face in your face every day all the time. It's boorish and it makes people not lean toward you but lean away from you, no matter what the merits of the issue."

Ms. Noonan speaks with what Nettertainment is fond of calling "American Bullshit" accent. It's quasi-British, upper-crusty, and is usually a key indicator of being wrong.

By the way, I'm behind Obama asking New York Governor David Paterson, who got the job when Spitzer resigned has unfortunately screwed the pooch too many times, to not seek full-term election. NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is kicking butt right now, and NY needs more of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1) Peggy Noonan is so full of sh*t I marvel that she doesn't choke on it, although if anyone should know a boor when she sees one, it's her. (btw: For extra credit, can you tell me where she was raised & developed her faux accent? Hint: Brooklyn.)

2) There's 0 chance Paterson gets another term. Although he's a likeable guy, there's a widespread belief across the spectrum here that he has no idea what he's doing.

3) I'd love to see a Cuomo/Rudy matchup. Rudy's making noise that he wants to run, no doubt emboldened by Mark Sanford proving that a flat-out in-your-face adulterer can in fact be a Governor in America.

(btw: Although it's great that someone's finally going after Wall Street at least somewhat, Cuomo's grandstanding a bit here.)