Monday, September 28, 2009


It's the end of the Jewish High Holy Days, the atonement climax, Yom Kippur. And as much as I'd like to atone for saying not nice things about certain rightwing factions, I can't do so if their goal is assassination of our fairly elected Commander-in-Chief:

A poll was posted on Facebook asking users to vote "should Obama be killed?"

The responses include: "yes," "maybe," "if he cuts my health care," and "no.

Over 730 people had taken the poll, which was later removed from Facebook. The poll is now being probed by the Secret Service, reports the Associated Press.

This category of agitators for violence include all wingers who call healthcare reform anything approaching creeping Nazism, and advocate buying more weapons to battle oncoming Nazism and feminism:

Especially when now a part-time census worker appears to have been lynched, with the word "FED" scrawled across his chest.

For those who still need it, Garry Trudeau draws a picture.

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