Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Admit it...feels good, doesn't it?

Maybe it hasn't hit you yet. We still don't have the Executive Branch with that army of GOP appointees, many of them young and learning at the master's foot.

There's the caveat of Harold Ford not becoming the first black Senator from the South since Reconstruction, and the heartbreak of Joe Lieberdouche beating Ned Lamont with fountains of Republican cash-ola, poised to play Senate kingmaker under dubious circumstances.

There's the question marks in Montana and, maybe through December in a Rovian lawyerfest battle to the finish, Virginia.

(By the way, I believe John Tester and Jim Webb have already won and will be sworn into the Senate in January. Bye, Conrad; bye, George. You sucked.)

There's the sympathy I feel for ex-Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), a decent guy who should have switched parties. There's crazy ex-Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) with an impressively gracious concession speech, before he slips off into Christianistic excess. But it wasn't meant to be their night.

Here's the Democratic House agenda, starting with The First 100 Hours. Don't let any blowhard or uninformed person tell you the Democrats have no plan. They've got a plan, and hopefully they're work hard to implement it and score enough successes, improve America again, make us proud.

It's not going to be easy. After spending the better part of three years equating supporting Democrats to supporting Al Qaeda, he's expected to "Reach Out" Tomorrow with a morning call to Speaker Elect Pelosi and a 1:00pm EST press conference.

Remember this jackal's nature. We cooperated when he was first elected and after 9/11 and all he and his henchmen did was to exploit that cooperation as weakness and use it to seize total power at the expense of the Democrats he now appears to need.

Get it straight: this bully needs nothing. He'll suckerpunch you again and again if you're fool enough to fall for it. So when he reaches out his hand, act as cordial as you must, but crack a mousetrap of impeachment hearings across his fingers and make it big enough to snap a few.

Let him enjoy his loss. Waterboard him with failure.

Celebrate the South Dakota citizens decisively beating a ban on legal abortions. Not to mention their reject of an anti-gay union law.

Celebrate New York State turning solid blue, with Governor-Elect Eliot Spitzer like a breath of fresh air.

Celebrate the landslide win of the 2nd black state Governor in U.S. history (both Dems), Deval Patrick, also the 1st African-American Governor in Massachusetts history.

Celebrate winning something like 30 seats in the House of Representatives -- 12 years to win it back -- and, in all likelihood, taking the Senate. Congrats to Rahm, Charles, Nancy, Harry and Howard. Well done.

No matter how Fox and friends (CNN, Cokie Roberts, Joe Klein) try to spin it, this is what a full-on GOP meltdown looks like. We didn't lose a single incumbant's seat, but we ate their like grapes off the vine. Their backbiting and recriminations began even before this past weekend, and in the morning there will be a gaggle of new media stars -- all Dems. Ex-Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) had Tom Delay's job for fifteen minutes and Ex-Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) is a joke of Congressional history.

So now we have the first female Speaker of our U.S. House of Representatives. A Democrat, of course, and I'm proud to say it. So bring on the hearings, bring on the oversight, make it clear that you deserved our support.

Speaker Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi.

Tonight, she won.

May she become George W. Bush's worst nightmare.


Anonymous said...

What's that sound coming from the White House? "Quack... quack... quack!"

Mark Netter said...

Chris Dashiell says the same thing!