Monday, June 11, 2007

Back to America

The best TV reviewer in America today, Alan Sepinwall, pre-secured this extraordinary post-Sopranos interview from David Chase, spending the hoopla days away from it all where he lives in France. (You should have known). This is it -- Chase will never speak again about the finale.

My favorite quote:

One detail about the final scene that he'll discuss, however tentatively: the selection of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" as the song on the jukebox.

"It didn't take much time at all to pick it, but there was a lot of conversation after the fact. I did something I'd never done before: in the location van, with the crew, I was saying, 'What do you think?' When I said, 'Don't Stop Believin',' people went, 'What? Oh my god!' I said, 'I know, I know, just give a listen,' and little by little, people started coming around."

And now, back to our real world. In case you're wondering why someone with the opportunity might want to spend a lot of their time in France, per Digby:
* Dems — 57% believe in evolution, 40% do not

* Independents — 61% believe in evolution, 37% do not

* Republicans — 30% believe in evolution, 68% do not

This means that the Republican party is, in fact, the party of Yahoos as defined by noted English satirist Jonathan Swift in his classic political satire, Gulliver's Travels, or just the political party that most represents ignorant Americans. That strikes me as fair and democratic, as even ignoramuses deserve representation.

Interestingly enough, the Independents are more rational than the Democrats, and there are so many different types of Independents compared to the parties.

There's also this via Politiblog (ohmygodwhatweretheythinking) which confirms once more that we are living the Post-Ironic Age. I mean, none of the parents thought it was a bad idea?

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