Thursday, June 14, 2007

Republican Failure and Crime Update

My goodness, everywhere you look there's a story today about either how the GOP war policy has screwed America royally while they continue to sow Anti-Constitutional crime and public sphere pollution without end.

Here's the "Slow Vanishing of Iraq". Imagine your country ruined, the places and people you loved destroyed, supposedly for our own good. El Presidente's surge is everything this War has ever been:
Three months into the new U.S. military strategy that has sent tens of thousands of additional troops into Iraq, overall levels of violence in the country have not decreased, as attacks have shifted away from Baghdad and Anbar, where American forces are concentrated, only to rise in most other provinces, according to a Pentagon report released yesterday.
And how is the Bush Family sacrificing? Press Secretary Tony Snow says George W. Bush himself fights on the front lines.

No joke.

Snow say Bush is right there with, like, our soldiers who are getting blown up and maimed.

But how about the rest of our nation's current foreign policy?:
High officials of European governments describe U.S. influence as squandered and swiftly eroding (one minister went down a list of Bush administration officials, rating them according to their stupidity), the country's moral authority nil. Lethal power vacuums are emerging from Lebanon to Pakistan, and Europeans are incapable on their own of quelling the fires that burn far closer to them than to the United States through their growing Muslim populations and proximity to the Middle East. They have no illusions that they will be treated seriously as real allies or that there will be a sudden about-face by the Bush administration. Their faint hope -- and it is only a hope -- is that they have already seen the worst and that it is not yet to come. Even worse than Bush, from their perspective, would be another Republican president who continued Bush policies and also appointed neoconservatives. That would toll, if not the end of days, then the decline and fall of the Western alliance except in name only, and an even more rapid acceleration of chaos in the world order.
The whole Sidney Blumenthal article the excerpt is from is worth reading. Entertaining in an epic train wreck sort of way, except it's our train. With Conductor George...and Engineer Cheney.

Beside losing face to Vladimir Putin and contradicting him own statements one day after, Bush's worst crime was sinking German Chancellor Angela Merkel's climate change proposal, a final humiliation for outgoing British Prime Minister Tony Blair as well.

Al Gore hits it hard:

"It was a disgrace disguised as an achievement," Gore said at an event in Milan, where he praised Merkel for her efforts.

"The eight most powerful nations gathered and were unable to do anything except to say 'We had good conversations and we agreed that we will have more conversations, and we will even have conversations about the possibility of doing something in the future on a voluntary basis perhaps."'

A crime not only against America, but against humanity -- forget worst, most evil President ever.

Back in America, Bush backs his old buddies at signature Texas energy industry swindlers Enron:

In a lawsuit that harks back to the Enron scandal, the Bush administration is at odds with the federal agency that oversees securities markets as well as with state attorneys general and consumer and investor advocates.President Bush personally weighed in with his views before the administration decided not to support investors whose securities fraud case is now before the Supreme Court.

The president’s message was that it’s important to reduce ”unnecessary lawsuits” and that federal securities regulators are in the best position to sue, said Al Hubbard, Bush’s chief economic adviser and director of the National Economic Council.[..]

Crime, crime, crime...Libby!

Yes, a convicted criminal. Lied to the cops. Lied to the really important cops. Judge is sending to jail. Yet all the rightwing scumbags are creating a giant noise machine of pardon, so Bush/Cheney can walk away with it. Yes, just as Darth Cheney was behind the intentional leak blowing CIA Agent Valerie Plame's cover, he's reportedly now pressuring his puppet prince to closer the circle.

And who wants to "careful review" of Libby's case for Presidential pardon?:

Romney has said he refused pardons because he didn't want to overturn a jury.

Asked in last week's debate if he would consider pardoning Libby, Romney said: "It's worth looking at that. I will study it very closely if I'm lucky enough to be president. And I'd keep that option open."

I guess the sunny side of this is that at least we know that Romney will countenance lawbreaking if for raw GOP partisan political purposes before folks get the chance to vote for him -- unlike Bush, who never let on (prior to getting installed by the Supreme Court).

Speaking of the “the most intellectually dishonest human being in the history of politics” there's his fake-flop on a woman's right to control her own body, put out by the McCain campaign after Romney took the lead in some GOP Primary polls, with video that directly contradicts another one of Romney's lies.

Romney, by the way, feels like he has to be an even bigger asshole now to prove he's really Anti-Choice (the "He" is Romney, per a friend):

He said - What do you think you’re doing?

She said - Well, we have to abort the baby because I have these blood clots.

And he said something to the effect of - Well, why do you get off easy when other women have their babies?

And she said - What are you talking about? This is a life threatening situation.

And he said - Well what about the life of the baby?

And she said - I have four other children and I think it would be really irresponsible to continue the pregnancy.

And of course there's Bush's Attorney General, hack of hacks, the man who validates every sleazy lawyer joke you ever heard, illegally working to influence his aide's testimony before she appeared in Congress.

By the way, that whole fired U.S. Attorneys scandal? It really does lead right into Karl Rove's White House office.

Yeah, I know the Dems need to rally again after losing the 2/3 Iraq veto override. Sure, they aren't polling high because of it.

But is it any wonder that American hates this President, his partners-in-crime, henchpersons and the entire Republican Party?

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