Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I've often said that one reason I like John Edwards for President is his wife, who takes on monsters with courage.


Reeko Deeko said...

Didja see the comment calling Coulter "a sad, little tranny"? Shazam! She's every mean girl I've ever known wrapped up in a tight little bundle of snide, bitchiness.
Also, I couldn't stop thinking about how often she touches her hair in a minute--that stuff must hang in greasy ropes by the end of the day. Yech.

Mark Netter said...

It's a sign of something going on, i.e. inner knowledge of her evil ways. Her #1 tactic is to NOT rebut an argument, but to misdirect to one of the attack points in her quiver, creating false equivalencies and throwing reasoned discussions off-track. Elizabeth Edwards did very well in this context, holding true and not getting into rebutting her verbal pollutions.

BTW, this is the meme Al Gore is starting, that just as they befoul the natural environment we live in, the GOP and their orcs pollute our political discourse with pure, unadulterated, toxic garbage. It must be identified and fought as such.