Sunday, May 21, 2006


Crooks & Liars has the Fun with Real Audio: Presidential Outtakes from last night's Saturday Night Live.

Is it getting too easy to take potshots at Bush and even Cheney and (we already know it is with) Rumsfeld? Even using their very own lying words?

Every once in a while I get the feeling Bush and Co. are going to rebound, and then they get hit with another sleazy scandal or split their own base on their cross of gold.

I'm not sure the wheels can completely come off unless Karl gets indicted and Dick gets a heart attack. The whole point of "W" is to have a front man for installing the most arch-conservative crony couple, no accident, going back to when Rumsfeld hired Cheney to join the Nixon White House. With Karl hobbled and Cheney out, could the Bush/Rumsfeld axis survive to 2008?

Will George Bush be walking out of the White House with Donald Rumsfeld on his arm when he turns over the keys on Tuesday, January 20, 2009?

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