Monday, May 29, 2006


Happy now to have been out in front on the Al Gore craze now sweeping the nation, it's time for Nettertainment to discuss the future of U.S. Supreme Court appointed President George Bush.

Once Bush is safely out of office, will he be feted wherever he goes, able to earn multi-million dollar speaking fees like fellow Rightwing President Ronald Reagan? Or will his fate be more like disgraced President Richard Nixon's, essentially some form of exile?

It's been written that Bush seriously considers his current job a stepping stone to Commissioner of Major League Baseball. But given his horrific job performance -- disastrous judgment, pathetic administrative follow-through, terrible communication skills, massive loss of life both Americans and Iraqis, can anyone seriously want him heading up their far-ranging organization?

Every once in a while, on a slow news day or after one of his or Cheney's cronies gets Senate confirmation to some momentous job, I get the queasy feeling that it's all about to turnaround, here comes the Bush comeback, the mainstream media will rejoice like happy lemmings at the cliff.

Then it all falls apart, with news of CBS journalists killed in Iraq, a car crash turning into a violent anti-American riot in Afghanistan, a hunger strike at Guantanamo, the massacre of Iraqi civilians by over-burdened soldiers on their third tour of duty.

This AP article puts it together in a quickly digestible form:

Bush/Cheney's Teetering House of Cards

So here's my bet, two and a half years early: except on the lightest of all possible occasions and then only really attended by his remaining faithful, it will be considered an embarrassment to appear in public with ex-Presidente Bush.

Just like the killers of Civil Rights activists in the early 1960's that were declared innocent by their all-white Southern jury and then shunned by their communities, nobody likes to hang around with a murderer, and between Iraq and Katrina, that's the highlight of Bush's Presidential resume. It's just icky.

In that spirit, Nettertainment casts its vote for:


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