Tuesday, July 25, 2006


From The New York Times: Senate Restricts Abortion Option for Young Girls.

You know what pisses me off about this bill?
"If they are advertising, then it obviously at least happens," said Senator John Ensign, the Nevada Republican who wrote the measure. "“If it is happening 20 times a year, it is still worth doing to protect those parental rights and to protect those children from being in these kinds of situations."

Way to protect the rights of the minority, John. Man.

And for young girls who are the victims of incest? Hey, this Looking-Glass bill, uh, addresses, well, in opposite terms, that issue:
To stem criticism that the measure protected fathers guilty of incest, Republicans joined Democrats in approving an amendment that says a parent who has committed incest and transports a minor out of state for an abortion will also face a fine and jail time.

Sure, because every American girl who is raped by her stepfather wants to bring that fetus to term.

Welcome to the theocracy, folks!


Anonymous said...

So Sen. John Ensign has written this bill "...to protect those children from being in these kinds of situations." How about preventing the kind of situation where children get pregnant in the first place? Of course, that would require funding for sex education and advocating birth control - everything this administration is opposed to. For sticking his governmental dick where it shouldn't be, I nominate Ensign for the Golden Dick Award.

Mark Netter said...

Hmm, and I could tell him where to put that Golden object...if he's flexible enough...

Anonymous said...

I think he would oppose that too -- isn't sodomy morally offensive? I mean, wouldn't he be opposed to having the right to go fuck himself?

Mark Netter said...

Ah, your slick logic is inescapable!