Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I'm wondering if images like this one of Americans (let alone other foreign nationals) fleeing Lebanon is going to do for lil' Presidente Fauntleneck's place in history what the Fall of Saigon did for President Gerald Ford.

And I don't think it will be the last time we see mass movements of people in the Middle East this decade. Maybe the next 18 months.

There's polling that most Americans want the U.S. to stay out of the current Hezbollah/Israel conflict. I'm guessing that's because no one in their right mind trusts the Bush Administration to do anything that won't make matters worse. We don't trust them, the royal "We" as in an unassailable majority of We the People.

Clinton, fine. Bush Sr.? Absolutely. Nixon? Some might wish.

It's Katrina all over again. BushCheneyCo don't really act, not as early as they might, to simply get our fellow Americans out of Beirut. It's the Ownership Society in action -- true to GOP principles, American citizens have to figure out how to flee to safety all by themselves. Great Movie-of-the-Week material, but wouldn't it be better if the U.S. embassy were equipped to handle all the calls?

Still don't know if that will be Bush's main legacy, or if it will be the current and growing Iraq Civil War he ignited. After all, doesn't 6000 over 60 days = 100 Iraqi civilians killed/day = civil war?

Before too long, will our soldiers there have to evacuate themselves from Iraq as well?

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