Thursday, August 23, 2007


Mister Bush compares Iraq to Vietnam and misinterprets the anti-colonial Graham Greene classic, The Quiet American. Is he a mo-ron?

Is this the climax of the Karl Rove experience, his whole career with Bush leading to this?

Is this really where Bush or Cheney wants the Stop Iraq War debate to go?

You can watch Bush here. You can watch Ret. Major General Paul Eaton on MSNBC who leads off with "It is a very unfortunate trip back into history," before taking apart Bush's comparison and labeling it bad for, as in not-supportive of, the troops.

The best take-down is by David Shuster. He zeros in on Bush puppet's mangling of the Cambodia chronology -- he pretends the Pol Pot nightmare there happened because we ended the war, while it all began when Nixon starting bombing Cambodia.

You know, like could happen if we start bombing Iran.


fiendish said...

Two words for 1/21/09:

truth commission

Mark Netter said...

Assuming there's a Dem President sworn in that day...