Saturday, February 02, 2008

Brun Sugar

Once again showing the world politics done right, or at least most entertainingly, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who's wife suddenly divorced him last October (sure, guess why) has gone legit by marrying ex-uber model Carla Bruni.

He's 53 and she's a trophiesque 40, but best of all, the most notorious romance in Bruni's past was with Mick Jagger, which was the homewrecking last straw in his marriage to ex-uber model Jerry Hall. In Bruni's own self-defense:

Bruni has already spoken: "It was a fling. I was in my 20s so I wasn't thinking about a relationship.

"There are so many other women with Mick. I don't think I was responsible for his divorce from Jerry Hall. There were maybe ten other women."

Hey, Mick, satisfaction all down the line, heartbreaker.

So Sarkozy rolls like a Stone, Carla gets respectable, and Steven Taylor fires the best line:
Bill Clinton must be so jealous.1

Rocks off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking that if HRC wins, Bill should ask to be Ambassador to France. Be a perfect fit, so to speak.