Monday, April 30, 2007

Happy Anniversary

It was four years ago Tuesday that our El Presidente made a choreographed landing on the U.S.S. Lincoln, took off his flight suit like a regular James Bond and, with a huge banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" behind him, declared the Iraq War over.

This was the GOP wet dream. Ah, how the media fawned.

Four years later to the day, with the War declared unwinnable by as stalwart a Conservative Republican as William F. Buckley, with the cost rising towards half a trillion dollars before our very eyes, Congress will deliver the stinging War wind-down bill to the White House.

And none too soon.

Just today there is more than a hint by former C.I.A. Analyst Ray McGovern that Vice President Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney was actually behind the forging of fake evidence that led us to the War. McGovern says he has proof but is waiting to release it -- one can only hope he is not just playing a hunch. He posits a "Watergate plumber" type scenario where Cheney authorized or directed the dirty work, leaving the execution to the type of scum that has been doing GOP dirty work since well before Nixon. Bay of Pigs, anyone?

Imagining that this is the case makes the motivation for Cheney to have personally directed the smear against Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson in which his wife was outed and for lying about which Scooter Libby was convicted. What perfect sense it all makes -- this was Cheney's baby all along.

Defrauding the American people to lead us into a disastrously ill-advised war that benefits only the Halliburton Corporation in which he owns massive amounts of stock, and those of his syndicated buddies...would that not be grounds for impeachment, if not charges of treason?

Maybe McGovern is stretching the proof. Maybe that appearance on Tucker Carlson's show is where it all ends.

Or maybe we'll be hearing more about it.

Happy Anniversary. Dick.

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