Sunday, March 12, 2006


Here's what scares me the most:

October Surprise

The President of Iran is a piece of shit demagogue who seems to have started his career as a member of the 1979 U.S. hostage taking team, but the asshole mullahs pulling the big strings over there have been playing like winners ever since Bush/Cheney Inc. duped the U.S. into invading Iraq.

In a lose/lose situation like this, above all we need:


Will we get it?

Unlikely. For today's GOP, political power trumps statesmanship. Or haven't you heard.

Call me jaded, but I wouldn't be surprised if these corporate criminals want diplomacy to fail. Like it "failed" with Iraq.

More chaos means there's no time to think about how it started, just a long hellish road ahead, with millionaire munitioneers getting richer and more regular folks dying. Maybe there's a hard-to-trace retaliation in the U.S., like a dirty bomb attack, all the better to amp the war cries and install permanent one-party rule.

But even without such dire consequences, I fear that war with Iran means the earlier crimes of Iraq engagement, the ones that brought us to this point, get papered over.

In blood.

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