Saturday, March 18, 2006

V: Open Thread

Expecting to see it Sunday night myself, but let's start the discussion now -- your comments below.


Anonymous said...

I saw this last night, and my first thoughts were that Mark was going to lose his bet and this film would not make $20M this weekend. After all, I was seeing the 8:00 show opening night on the Santa Monica promendade and there was no line whatsoever. (Inside was a good-sized crowd, although not the sell-out I was expecting.)

But the movie was awesome. I wasn't familar with the graphic novel, but I loved the world and the characters the film set up - a very cool update on the fascist future dystopia genre and reminiscent of Orwell's "1984". Natalie Portman is brilliant - just like in "Closer", whenever she's on screen, the film is at its best.

There are plenty of not-so-subtle references to the current political climate and leaders, complete with Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, and our own anti-V, W.

But I think it'd be easy to make too much of that. Just as when 1984 was first published in the late 40s, readers saw every character as a thinly disguished WWII figure. I think the real point is that fascism isn't going anywhere and we must maintain a constant vigil against our govnerments and ditto-heads.

It is just too easy for people to surrender their individual liberties as soon as their fear level gets high enough. And it's human nature, at least as a first reaction. (After all, who in the middle of the LA Riots wasn't relieved and thrilled when the national guard arrived and implemented a city-wide curfew?)

But the real danger comes when politicians try to prolong this state of fear and emergency so that they can keep their unlimited power. Like the never-ending war on terror, our current administration and its supporters are obessed with reminding us of alert levels and that we are at war and that the enemy is out their lurking.

This too is nothing new. The McCarthyites did it during the early cold-war. Or as Orwell said, "Eastasia has always been at war with Eurasia." The entire notion of a "War on Terror" is absurd and dangerous, just like a "War on Poverty" or a "War on Drugs."

Mark Netter said...

Now I'm psyched!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

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Thanks, Bill.