Sunday, March 05, 2006


It seems to me that the core problem with George Bush and Dick Cheney is a complete lack of empathy for any non-connected people in the world at large. Do these guys care about anybody else but themselves, their families, and their cronies? Do they really care about, to use the cliche, "the little guy"?

Somebody give me the evidence to the contrary, I'll listen. I'm asking for actions that really worked to help people, not pretty speeches on democracy that in their own practice only bring chaos, or social security "reform" talk that only really means killing it like Republicans tried to back when Franklin Roosevelt first created the program.

I'm talking about real actions that have helped real people, or just anything that's shown real informed non-ideological, non-Machiavellian caring.

The only remotely real moment -- or moments -- I can think of were ten minutes at the WTC site five years ago. And that extemporaneous instance has long ago exceeded its shelf life.

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