Sunday, March 05, 2006




I mean, really?

I have to admit that I have yet to see Brokeback Mountain (we have a sitter coming next week!) but still, I'm surprised. Not that I have anything major against Crash. It certainly involved risk on the part of the makers and distributors, it does seem to provoke some discussion after viewing, and it has an impeccible cast all the way down to the smaller roles. By the way, see this and Hustle & Flow and you know Terrence Howard is a Movie Star. The kind we love.

But Best Picture? The coincidences start to (no pun intended) pile up with Matt Dillon's car crash rescue, Sandra Bullock's staircase scene, the gun thing, the hitchhiker thing, etc. so by the time the emergency room doctor turns out to can pretty much imagine the Mad Magazine parody without hitting the newsstand.

Well, I guess if you're going to give Robert Altman an Oscar, you might as well give Best Picture to Short Cuts on the same night.


Unknown said...

What a dull list of winners this year. In almost every category they made the safe vote. Biopics should get their own category, perhaps rewarded with the technical awards, so that more deserving nominees can get their due.

Heather said...

Ned- Nice design!
I was pleasantly surprised with the best picture choice...for once! And I have to agree with you about Terrence Howard; he is a movie star. But yeah, the choices were all jumbled around. Brokeback wasn't all that but taboo and quite beautiful.
William Hurt should have won the best supporting actor but they had to do something for GC so they gave that to him. How does the process work anyway Mr. Insider?

Mark Netter said...

It's a bit inside, but there's a really good write up of how Crash won at

Anonymous said...

Why not a "Most Movie" category? You can break it down into sub-sections like Most Violent, Most Titty, Most Confusing.
The only really exciting moment in the show was when the Pimp song won and the rappers got bleeped.
Oh, and the Gay Western clips. Hoot!

Anonymous said...

I too felt dirty and used by Trash -- I mean, er, Crash.
Just a big vehicle for letting white liberals feel good about their racism. Let's torch it and see if we can't pull our good sense from the burning wreckage.

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.